Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Random Thoughts

The media pushes way too much misinformation in the front of already confused people. The Internet is partly responsible for the misinformation perpetuating down the chain. Not to mention people seem to hold on to theories and so called "facts" that aren't even true. The world of exercise science follows suit too, but people tend to cling to one word answers than actually understand something that's true. What people need to focus on is hard work and the big picture. Less focus on the minutia such as the glycemic index of a carrot, because I don't know about you, but too many times carrots have been the real "deal-breaker" when I've tried to reach my goals. Instead of nit-picking most people just need a general overhaul of their diets and the most important thing: actually exercising regularly! Most people could easily pass a test asking them what foods are "healthy", but what they choose to eat is another story.


What is really holding you back from your goals? If you eat "good" all day and then eat sweets at night, find a way to circumvent the problem. I think it's healthy to have your sinful foods, but in the right context...not an everyday thing. If you don't exercise...start. Start with what you can handle and learn to improve. Hire a fitness professional who can accelerate your results. Many people want to "start out with a book" or think it over, but thinking gets you nowhere and most people really don't "think" about it at all. They have made the decision already! Some people excel doing a complete overhaul, and some need to just improve on 1 thing everyday. Sit back, look at the big picture and find out what can really help you get the results you want.

Don't believe everything you read anyway, we have more health and fitness information knowledge available today than ever before, and more of it can be accessed by you than ever before...but we are continually gaining weight as a nation.

Yours in Health,

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