Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Amazing Transformation

Below we have one of our figure competitors who is only 4 weeks into her diet, so as you can imagine she has barely restricted herself, in fact she has said at times it's hard for her to finish all her food.

This is just a prime example of what a custom tailored diet and nutrition plan can do for you. She's got leeway for 300-600 calories I can "sneak" too before she has to start reducing the volume of food she is eating, so for her...fat loss is a breeze.

It's the combination of hard work, dedication, and intelligent coaching that brings results.

As you can see, she has greatly improved in her mid-section as well as her arms. There's also a noticeable increase in her leg definition.

Remember, this was only 4 weeks...

How far away are you from where you want to be?

Send us feedback!


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