Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sweat the small stuff

Sometimes people look at me like I have two heads when I ask if they weight their food with a scale. This day and age it's not good enough to just use measuring cups. Here's a quick example:

1/2 cup oatmeal for breakfast is 40g. You can easily outweigh this by 5g with a measuring cup (low balling).

Let's say you also have peanut butter mixed into this. 2 TBS is 32g and you can very easily spoon 40g into this or for the example's sake, lets say 5g more.

So we have 5g more of oatmeal and 5g of peanut butter. Over the course of a month this "modest" increase in food that seems negligible adds up to almost 1500 calories. That's almost 1/2 lb of fat you could add, and this is just from ONE MEAL!

Multiply this by 3 or 4 or even 5 meals a day and you'll quickly see why those jeans aren't getting any looser!

e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com

e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com

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