Tuesday, March 25, 2008

23/1 Rule

You spend roughly 23 hours per day outside of the weight room and maybe one hour inside.

We can do all the corrective training in the world during our 1 hour session, but if you don't change your habits outside of the gym then the efforts can be very fruitless.

In my best cases, I'll see clients for 3 hours a week, thats 165 hours per week they have to mess their posture up versus the 3 hours I spend with them attempting to fix it.

If you have a forward head posture, and 90-95% of people do to some degree, find lifestyle habits that will complement your efforts in the gym.

-take periodic breaks when sitting; roughly get up to walk around every 15-20 minutes
-sit tall, and put the monitor at a position where you don't have to look down at it
-a stand up desk :)
-stretch your pecs, lats, levator scapula on a regular basis

It takes little time and can make a huge difference in your life, beyond just looking normal


Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com

Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com

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