Friday, March 28, 2008

5 habits EVERYONE needs to adopt!

1. Sleep 8 hours a night
Adequate sleep provides the necessary time for muscle recovery. If sleep is not a priority, you could be inhibiting your chances of reaching any fitness goals! Sleep deprivation affects your mood, energy, concentration, and efficiency.

2. Drink at least 1 gallon of water a day
Water aides in digestion and absorption of food. It also regulates body temperature and blood circulation, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes toxins and other wastes. Drinking water throughout the day can also help distract you from feeling hungry.

3. Plan 2 days a week to cook
Preparation is key! If your food is cooked ahead of time you won't have any excuses for not eating clean.

4. Organize all meals into Tupperware containers
Go one step further, at night organize each meal and measure out the appropriate portions for the next day. Having your meals in containers ready to go, is the most efficient way to ensure clean eating throughout the day.

5. Create a workout program
Determine what your goals are, do you want strength, fat loss, hypertrophy, endurance, etc? Creating a set lifting program will put you on the right path for success. What if you don't know how to formulate a program? Ask a fitness professional or hire a personal trainer. Having a professional create your program is the best option! It takes all the confusion and guesswork away from you!


Ryan Patick

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