Thursday, April 3, 2008

The "How"

I'm not a special case. I don't have super powers.

You don't need to be a special case. You don't need to have super powers.

If I set a goal, I reach it. Why?

Because I do what it takes, I know what my goal is.

Too many people replace short term wants, for their true desires.

If you desire to lose fat, you should eat foods that support the goal and avoid foods that do not. It's not always FUN, it's not EASY, but it's simple to do.

If you desire to get rid of back pain; you should stop slouching and find a therapist or trainer who can fix it. It takes some work to undo years and years of poor mechanics, but it beats the alternative.

E.M. Gray said it best:

The successful person has the habit of doing the
things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing
them either necessarily. But their disliking is
subordinated to the strength of their purpose.

Successful people do what it takes to reach their goals: they take rain checks on chocolate cake, they put themselves in supportive environments, and they don't cash in on their short term wants, instead they wait for the long term desires to become reality.

They don't want to, but they do it.

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