I set up my blog on my homepage:
The main page will be the blog so be sure to stay tuned there.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Lesson Learned
I was a great seminar this weekend and I learned a lot of interesting things. I learned plenty of nutrition and training, but my favorite are always the life lessons.
Dave Tate shared some pretty inspiration knowledge, and he was certainly passionate about it (Imagine an intense 275lb ripped-to-the-bone man standing up more or less yelling this!).
First a little background, Dave owns Elite Fitness Systems which outfits a number of high school and collegiate weight room--they make the best equipment and EFS has become the BRAND as far as strength equipment goes, but they had some hard times.
Dave didn't pay himself for the first 5 years of business, there were times when wasn't even sure how he was going to pay his bills and the company started at a fold out table in his bedroom. Even when there seemed to be no hope along the way, he stuck to the path and eventually his passion to fulfill his dream eventually came to fruition.
He made it a point to find the things in your life that are the most valuable to you and stick and live by them no matter what. If there are important things or people in your life, keep them in your life. Don't give up on your dreams for fear of failure.
You don't want to be on your deathbed and have regrets about what you should have done instead or what you didn't do. Not to get morbid or sappy on you, but you could die tomorrow by some strange occurrence and you have to live everyday to the fullest and love the people closest to you and take action with your dreams.
I recently had a friend who was more or less in a rut. I stopped by his work last night to visit him since I was in town and you could see in his eyes something had changed. Sure enough, after talking to him he made a decision to start action on his ideas and chasing his dreams instead of letting it all pass him by.
It's never to late to start and if you have the right people supporting you, you can achieve anything. Sometimes you just gotta put the work in to get something back out of it.
e: info@patrickperformancetraining.com
P.S. Excuse the typos--I got pretty pumped up writing!
Dave Tate shared some pretty inspiration knowledge, and he was certainly passionate about it (Imagine an intense 275lb ripped-to-the-bone man standing up more or less yelling this!).
First a little background, Dave owns Elite Fitness Systems which outfits a number of high school and collegiate weight room--they make the best equipment and EFS has become the BRAND as far as strength equipment goes, but they had some hard times.
Dave didn't pay himself for the first 5 years of business, there were times when wasn't even sure how he was going to pay his bills and the company started at a fold out table in his bedroom. Even when there seemed to be no hope along the way, he stuck to the path and eventually his passion to fulfill his dream eventually came to fruition.
He made it a point to find the things in your life that are the most valuable to you and stick and live by them no matter what. If there are important things or people in your life, keep them in your life. Don't give up on your dreams for fear of failure.
You don't want to be on your deathbed and have regrets about what you should have done instead or what you didn't do. Not to get morbid or sappy on you, but you could die tomorrow by some strange occurrence and you have to live everyday to the fullest and love the people closest to you and take action with your dreams.
I recently had a friend who was more or less in a rut. I stopped by his work last night to visit him since I was in town and you could see in his eyes something had changed. Sure enough, after talking to him he made a decision to start action on his ideas and chasing his dreams instead of letting it all pass him by.
It's never to late to start and if you have the right people supporting you, you can achieve anything. Sometimes you just gotta put the work in to get something back out of it.
e: info@patrickperformancetraining.com
P.S. Excuse the typos--I got pretty pumped up writing!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Excuses Are Running Out
More healthy options are available now than ever! There are more gym locations, more inexpensive home equipment, and more innovative ways to workout at home with minimal equipment.
Your excuses are running out.
No more, "I don't have time". It just doesn't fly anymore and you need to step up and make a commitment. Don't fall behind and let all your friends get in shape this year!
You still have time until memorial day! The Unofficial start to summer is coming up and you should set this summer off right by looking fabulous. Get the movie star arms and stomach you've always wanted!
Your goals are closer than you think, let my newsletter show you how to get started ;)
e: info@patrickperformancetraining.com
Your excuses are running out.
No more, "I don't have time". It just doesn't fly anymore and you need to step up and make a commitment. Don't fall behind and let all your friends get in shape this year!
You still have time until memorial day! The Unofficial start to summer is coming up and you should set this summer off right by looking fabulous. Get the movie star arms and stomach you've always wanted!
Your goals are closer than you think, let my newsletter show you how to get started ;)
e: info@patrickperformancetraining.com
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
4-Minute Fat Blast
This is one of many trumps I have to the fact that people say they don't have time to work out (so stop making excuses and I won't need to pull out the other ones!).
Researchers in Japan found that by performing high intensity 4 minute bouts of exercise that you could burn 9 times more fat than every effort doing regular aerobic training.
Granted, you need to do more than one 4-minute bout, but even with only two you're getting the benefits of doing 72 minutes of steady state cardio!
That's well over an hour of saved time and you can stand a little more free time, (who can't).
I'll tell you some of the details on this later in the week, but remember for now...
high intensity and shorter workouts are FAR FAR better htan long, boring slow workouts for buring fat.
Save time, save the money for smaller pants (not bigger ones)
e: info@patrickperformancetraining.com
Researchers in Japan found that by performing high intensity 4 minute bouts of exercise that you could burn 9 times more fat than every effort doing regular aerobic training.
Granted, you need to do more than one 4-minute bout, but even with only two you're getting the benefits of doing 72 minutes of steady state cardio!
That's well over an hour of saved time and you can stand a little more free time, (who can't).
I'll tell you some of the details on this later in the week, but remember for now...
high intensity and shorter workouts are FAR FAR better htan long, boring slow workouts for buring fat.
Save time, save the money for smaller pants (not bigger ones)
e: info@patrickperformancetraining.com
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Diet vs. Exercise
The battle royale.

If you want long term weight management, you better exercise. How many friends of yours went on a new diet?
Ok, now how many of these friends had long term success on this diet?
I would venture to say the number is close to 0.
People are more likely to try some wacko's diet than actually exercise. Upwards of 50% of Americans are not getting enough daily physical activity, and upwards of 2/3 of people are overweight or obese. These numbers are serious because these numbers are killing people prematurely.
If you want long term weight loss you need to prioritize exercise as a staple in your life. Proper dietary habits are more likely to follow once you have the pieces in place to start with this.
Sign up for our newsletter today to receive and e-course that offers 7 great days of exercise and diet advice to achieve long term health and weight management!
Ryan & Andrea

If you want long term weight management, you better exercise. How many friends of yours went on a new diet?
Ok, now how many of these friends had long term success on this diet?
I would venture to say the number is close to 0.
People are more likely to try some wacko's diet than actually exercise. Upwards of 50% of Americans are not getting enough daily physical activity, and upwards of 2/3 of people are overweight or obese. These numbers are serious because these numbers are killing people prematurely.
If you want long term weight loss you need to prioritize exercise as a staple in your life. Proper dietary habits are more likely to follow once you have the pieces in place to start with this.
Sign up for our newsletter today to receive and e-course that offers 7 great days of exercise and diet advice to achieve long term health and weight management!
Ryan & Andrea
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Don't Diet

Fad diets pride themselves on how easy they can be and how much more fat they burn than any diet before. It's true that dieting isn't that difficult, but the changes initially can be overwhelming.
If you want to lose weight, you should stick to long term health habits. Otherwise you end up following the pattern:
Get Chubby --> Diet --> Repeat
It becomes and endless cycle and you'll need 2 wardrobes on depending on what part of the cycle you are in. Imagine buying two completely different wardrobes!
The key is to make small changes that you can commit do weekly. Start small and gradually develop habits that will promote long term weight management (more on this tomorrow). Below are some simple examples of changes you can try to make each week:
-Make water your main beverage and stop drinking all calorie containing beverages or diet drinks
-Add vegetables to each meal
-Don't skip breakfast
This list is a mile long and these are some of the more obvious changes we wanted to let you know about, but there are many more you wouldn't believe!
Start small, develop habits, and reap the benefits!
What can our coaching do for you ;)
Ryan & Andrea
e: info@patrickperformancetraining.com
Monday, April 21, 2008
Diet Books, Chocolate Shakes, and Sensible Dinners
Memorial Day is coming up and it's the unofficial start to summer. The question is whether or not you will be ready for your 2 piece bathing suit (gasp!) this year
Diet books are a popular choice. With your busy schedule, your kids' busy schedule, you should have just enough time to read 1/2 of chapter 1 and never really use the information.
Plus there are thousands of diet books available so you should have an idea exactly where to start.
Or you could try shakes twice daily and have one "smart" meal per day at dinner. This is after you've starved your self all day and you tend to over-consume food anyway?
That's right, your biggest meal of the day should be breakfast, so skip the chocolate shakes because when hunger kicks in after a day of pint-sized shakes you're gonna be rippin' the cabinets apart looking for chocolate and peanut butter! Or you may just hit the drive through on the way home (but it was just a small fry!)
Do something better this year. Find a trainer or dietitian who can make goals specific to you and help you look your best in that suit this year...the one you've been to shy to wear the past 2 years!
Stop dragging your feet and give "results" a shot this year
Ryan & Andrea
For more information about our services email info@patrickperformancetraining.com
See the Hype
Diet books are a popular choice. With your busy schedule, your kids' busy schedule, you should have just enough time to read 1/2 of chapter 1 and never really use the information.
Plus there are thousands of diet books available so you should have an idea exactly where to start.
Or you could try shakes twice daily and have one "smart" meal per day at dinner. This is after you've starved your self all day and you tend to over-consume food anyway?
That's right, your biggest meal of the day should be breakfast, so skip the chocolate shakes because when hunger kicks in after a day of pint-sized shakes you're gonna be rippin' the cabinets apart looking for chocolate and peanut butter! Or you may just hit the drive through on the way home (but it was just a small fry!)
Do something better this year. Find a trainer or dietitian who can make goals specific to you and help you look your best in that suit this year...the one you've been to shy to wear the past 2 years!
Stop dragging your feet and give "results" a shot this year
Ryan & Andrea
For more information about our services email info@patrickperformancetraining.com
See the Hype
bathing suits,
diet books,
memorial day,
Friday, April 18, 2008
Bathing Suit Season!!
The weather is finally getting warmer and summer is just around the corner. You know what that means... bathing suit season has arrived. For some this is the time to display their new and improved body. For most, it's the time to cover up the extra 5-10lbs pounds.
Are you one of the many Americans that added extra padding this year? If so, your response might be to start cardio a few times a week. This may help you feel better, have more energy, and maybe tip the scale reading a bit. But, if you want real results you will need to reconsider your approach.
According to research, the most effective way to change your body composition and loose those unwanted pounds is to implement high intensity workouts that combine strength and cardiovascular training. Cardiovascular training will strengthen your heart and aide in some weight loss. Wanting to really change the way you look naked? Strength training is the only way to achieve the toned attractive body you have always wanted.
Workouts that combine cardiovascular and strength training should be high intense circuits that get your muscles pumping and heart racing.
- Choose 4-6 body weight or weight resistance compound exercises (exercises that use multiple muscles)
- Perform a circuit: do 1 set of exercise #1, then 1 set of exercise #2 etc
- Rest 2-3 min after each circuit
- Repeat circuit 3-4 times
Here is an example that can be done at the gym, while traveling, or outside at the park:
~10-15 burpees
~25-30 body weight squats
~25 push-ups
~10 pull-ups (if pull-up bar available)
~25 sit-ups
* Rest 2-3min, Repeat circuit 3-4 times
**Burpee: start standing up, then place hands on the outside of your feet, jump your feet back into push-up position, jump your feet back to your hands then stand up = this is one repetition)
Adding high intense circuits similar to the workout above will be beneficial for anyone, especially if you desire a toned, bikini bound body!!
e: Andrea.Behling@yahoo.com
e: Ryan.Patrick@yahoo.com
Are you one of the many Americans that added extra padding this year? If so, your response might be to start cardio a few times a week. This may help you feel better, have more energy, and maybe tip the scale reading a bit. But, if you want real results you will need to reconsider your approach.
According to research, the most effective way to change your body composition and loose those unwanted pounds is to implement high intensity workouts that combine strength and cardiovascular training. Cardiovascular training will strengthen your heart and aide in some weight loss. Wanting to really change the way you look naked? Strength training is the only way to achieve the toned attractive body you have always wanted.
Workouts that combine cardiovascular and strength training should be high intense circuits that get your muscles pumping and heart racing.
- Choose 4-6 body weight or weight resistance compound exercises (exercises that use multiple muscles)
- Perform a circuit: do 1 set of exercise #1, then 1 set of exercise #2 etc
- Rest 2-3 min after each circuit
- Repeat circuit 3-4 times
Here is an example that can be done at the gym, while traveling, or outside at the park:
~10-15 burpees
~25-30 body weight squats
~25 push-ups
~10 pull-ups (if pull-up bar available)
~25 sit-ups
* Rest 2-3min, Repeat circuit 3-4 times
**Burpee: start standing up, then place hands on the outside of your feet, jump your feet back into push-up position, jump your feet back to your hands then stand up = this is one repetition)
Adding high intense circuits similar to the workout above will be beneficial for anyone, especially if you desire a toned, bikini bound body!!
e: Andrea.Behling@yahoo.com
e: Ryan.Patrick@yahoo.com
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sweat the small stuff
Sometimes people look at me like I have two heads when I ask if they weight their food with a scale. This day and age it's not good enough to just use measuring cups. Here's a quick example:
1/2 cup oatmeal for breakfast is 40g. You can easily outweigh this by 5g with a measuring cup (low balling).
Let's say you also have peanut butter mixed into this. 2 TBS is 32g and you can very easily spoon 40g into this or for the example's sake, lets say 5g more.
So we have 5g more of oatmeal and 5g of peanut butter. Over the course of a month this "modest" increase in food that seems negligible adds up to almost 1500 calories. That's almost 1/2 lb of fat you could add, and this is just from ONE MEAL!
Multiply this by 3 or 4 or even 5 meals a day and you'll quickly see why those jeans aren't getting any looser!
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
1/2 cup oatmeal for breakfast is 40g. You can easily outweigh this by 5g with a measuring cup (low balling).
Let's say you also have peanut butter mixed into this. 2 TBS is 32g and you can very easily spoon 40g into this or for the example's sake, lets say 5g more.
So we have 5g more of oatmeal and 5g of peanut butter. Over the course of a month this "modest" increase in food that seems negligible adds up to almost 1500 calories. That's almost 1/2 lb of fat you could add, and this is just from ONE MEAL!
Multiply this by 3 or 4 or even 5 meals a day and you'll quickly see why those jeans aren't getting any looser!
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The "How"
I'm not a special case. I don't have super powers.
You don't need to be a special case. You don't need to have super powers.
If I set a goal, I reach it. Why?
Because I do what it takes, I know what my goal is.
Too many people replace short term wants, for their true desires.
If you desire to lose fat, you should eat foods that support the goal and avoid foods that do not. It's not always FUN, it's not EASY, but it's simple to do.
If you desire to get rid of back pain; you should stop slouching and find a therapist or trainer who can fix it. It takes some work to undo years and years of poor mechanics, but it beats the alternative.
E.M. Gray said it best:
The successful person has the habit of doing the
things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing
them either necessarily. But their disliking is
subordinated to the strength of their purpose.
Successful people do what it takes to reach their goals: they take rain checks on chocolate cake, they put themselves in supportive environments, and they don't cash in on their short term wants, instead they wait for the long term desires to become reality.
They don't want to, but they do it.
You don't need to be a special case. You don't need to have super powers.
If I set a goal, I reach it. Why?
Because I do what it takes, I know what my goal is.
Too many people replace short term wants, for their true desires.
If you desire to lose fat, you should eat foods that support the goal and avoid foods that do not. It's not always FUN, it's not EASY, but it's simple to do.
If you desire to get rid of back pain; you should stop slouching and find a therapist or trainer who can fix it. It takes some work to undo years and years of poor mechanics, but it beats the alternative.
E.M. Gray said it best:
The successful person has the habit of doing the
things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing
them either necessarily. But their disliking is
subordinated to the strength of their purpose.
Successful people do what it takes to reach their goals: they take rain checks on chocolate cake, they put themselves in supportive environments, and they don't cash in on their short term wants, instead they wait for the long term desires to become reality.
They don't want to, but they do it.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Amazing Transformation
Below we have one of our figure competitors who is only 4 weeks into her diet, so as you can imagine she has barely restricted herself, in fact she has said at times it's hard for her to finish all her food.
This is just a prime example of what a custom tailored diet and nutrition plan can do for you. She's got leeway for 300-600 calories I can "sneak" too before she has to start reducing the volume of food she is eating, so for her...fat loss is a breeze.
It's the combination of hard work, dedication, and intelligent coaching that brings results.

As you can see, she has greatly improved in her mid-section as well as her arms. There's also a noticeable increase in her leg definition.
Remember, this was only 4 weeks...
How far away are you from where you want to be?
Send us feedback!
This is just a prime example of what a custom tailored diet and nutrition plan can do for you. She's got leeway for 300-600 calories I can "sneak" too before she has to start reducing the volume of food she is eating, so for her...fat loss is a breeze.
It's the combination of hard work, dedication, and intelligent coaching that brings results.
As you can see, she has greatly improved in her mid-section as well as her arms. There's also a noticeable increase in her leg definition.
Remember, this was only 4 weeks...
How far away are you from where you want to be?
Send us feedback!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Crap Trainers, Reality Checks, and Philosophy
There seems to be general confusion about what constitutes a good "trainer" these days. I can't begin to tell you how frustrated I get with mis-informed trainers. Well, at least the ones who are not open or receptive to new ideas.
Reality Check: A Large amount of personal trainers are crap. It's true, and that may be the reason a lot of them struggle to make a decent income. Anybody can make anyone else sweat or work hard. Hell, you can make me push myself till you have to wipe me up off the floor.
But what does it really solve?
I'll tell you: nothing. Trainers need to educate themselves on an on-going basis, never stopping, never being satisfied. We need to train people effectively to reach their results the fastest, reduce the chance of injury, and allow them the fastest recovery to help expedite the process.
Anything a trainer makes you do you should ask "why?". If they don't have an educated answer, then you need to find a new trainer. Their rationalized opinion doesn't count either. It should be an exercise that's relevant to your condition, your needs, and your goals--if it's not, then you may be wasting your time.
If someone is a functional guy, or a bodybuilder, or a muscle building guy that's fine. But if someone only stays in the confines of that philosophy, then you are pretty much screwed.
If all you have is a hammer, then everything becomes a nail
You must find training tools that are relevant to the task and best fitted to get you to your goals the fastest. If you subscribe to one philosophy you're limiting your potential to do great things.
Find an intelligent trainer who takes your health and well-being as seriously as you do. A quality trainer deserves to be paid high dollars because we can change your body and self-confidence permanently. If you are blowing your money on a mis-informed and bitter trainer, then do yourself a favor and find someone who knows what the hell they are doing.
*steps off soapbox*
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Reality Check: A Large amount of personal trainers are crap. It's true, and that may be the reason a lot of them struggle to make a decent income. Anybody can make anyone else sweat or work hard. Hell, you can make me push myself till you have to wipe me up off the floor.
But what does it really solve?
I'll tell you: nothing. Trainers need to educate themselves on an on-going basis, never stopping, never being satisfied. We need to train people effectively to reach their results the fastest, reduce the chance of injury, and allow them the fastest recovery to help expedite the process.
Anything a trainer makes you do you should ask "why?". If they don't have an educated answer, then you need to find a new trainer. Their rationalized opinion doesn't count either. It should be an exercise that's relevant to your condition, your needs, and your goals--if it's not, then you may be wasting your time.
If someone is a functional guy, or a bodybuilder, or a muscle building guy that's fine. But if someone only stays in the confines of that philosophy, then you are pretty much screwed.
If all you have is a hammer, then everything becomes a nail
You must find training tools that are relevant to the task and best fitted to get you to your goals the fastest. If you subscribe to one philosophy you're limiting your potential to do great things.
Find an intelligent trainer who takes your health and well-being as seriously as you do. A quality trainer deserves to be paid high dollars because we can change your body and self-confidence permanently. If you are blowing your money on a mis-informed and bitter trainer, then do yourself a favor and find someone who knows what the hell they are doing.
*steps off soapbox*
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
How to Improvise
You don't need a large fancy gym with a towel service.
You don't need much equipment.
You just need to have DESIRE to workout and DESIRE to overcome the the situation.
This is just one drastic example of how you can make it to your goals even in the face of adversity. I
Next time you want to miss your workouts because of "excuses", to what heights will you push yourself?
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
You don't need much equipment.
You just need to have DESIRE to workout and DESIRE to overcome the the situation.
This is just one drastic example of how you can make it to your goals even in the face of adversity. I
Next time you want to miss your workouts because of "excuses", to what heights will you push yourself?
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Sunday, March 30, 2008
PPT Athlete
We're moving another component of this blog to Check it out: http://pptathlete.blogspot.com
It's going to cater to more of the performance specific crowd: athletes and law enforcement and even bodybuilding.
Check it out: PPT Athlete
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
It's going to cater to more of the performance specific crowd: athletes and law enforcement and even bodybuilding.
Check it out: PPT Athlete
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Friday, March 28, 2008
5 habits EVERYONE needs to adopt!
1. Sleep 8 hours a night
Adequate sleep provides the necessary time for muscle recovery. If sleep is not a priority, you could be inhibiting your chances of reaching any fitness goals! Sleep deprivation affects your mood, energy, concentration, and efficiency.
2. Drink at least 1 gallon of water a day
Water aides in digestion and absorption of food. It also regulates body temperature and blood circulation, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes toxins and other wastes. Drinking water throughout the day can also help distract you from feeling hungry.
3. Plan 2 days a week to cook
Preparation is key! If your food is cooked ahead of time you won't have any excuses for not eating clean.
4. Organize all meals into Tupperware containers
Go one step further, at night organize each meal and measure out the appropriate portions for the next day. Having your meals in containers ready to go, is the most efficient way to ensure clean eating throughout the day.
5. Create a workout program
Determine what your goals are, do you want strength, fat loss, hypertrophy, endurance, etc? Creating a set lifting program will put you on the right path for success. What if you don't know how to formulate a program? Ask a fitness professional or hire a personal trainer. Having a professional create your program is the best option! It takes all the confusion and guesswork away from you!
e: Andrea.Behling@yahoo.com
Ryan Patick
e: Ryan.Patrick@yahoo.com
Adequate sleep provides the necessary time for muscle recovery. If sleep is not a priority, you could be inhibiting your chances of reaching any fitness goals! Sleep deprivation affects your mood, energy, concentration, and efficiency.
2. Drink at least 1 gallon of water a day
Water aides in digestion and absorption of food. It also regulates body temperature and blood circulation, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes toxins and other wastes. Drinking water throughout the day can also help distract you from feeling hungry.
3. Plan 2 days a week to cook
Preparation is key! If your food is cooked ahead of time you won't have any excuses for not eating clean.
4. Organize all meals into Tupperware containers
Go one step further, at night organize each meal and measure out the appropriate portions for the next day. Having your meals in containers ready to go, is the most efficient way to ensure clean eating throughout the day.
5. Create a workout program
Determine what your goals are, do you want strength, fat loss, hypertrophy, endurance, etc? Creating a set lifting program will put you on the right path for success. What if you don't know how to formulate a program? Ask a fitness professional or hire a personal trainer. Having a professional create your program is the best option! It takes all the confusion and guesswork away from you!
e: Andrea.Behling@yahoo.com
Ryan Patick
e: Ryan.Patrick@yahoo.com
Thursday, March 27, 2008
5 Minute Muscle
2 scoops of protein powder, I recommend Beverly International's Ultimate Muscle Protein or Biotest's Metabolic Drive
1/2-3/4 cup of oatmeal
1-2 TBS of Peanut Butter
Add enough water or Hood Low Calorie Chocolate Beverage to make into a pudding consistency
1 cup plain yogurt
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1oz walnuts or almonds
Cinnamon, to taste
Splenda, to taste
*optional: 1-2 TBS of Flax Seed Meal
When preparing chicken, try this:
Using a brush, glaze the chicken with olive oil and the blend below
Fresh finely chopped basil
A few turns of cracked pepper
Pinch of red pepper
Aged Parmesan Cheese
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
1/2-3/4 cup of oatmeal
1-2 TBS of Peanut Butter
Add enough water or Hood Low Calorie Chocolate Beverage to make into a pudding consistency
1 cup plain yogurt
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1oz walnuts or almonds
Cinnamon, to taste
Splenda, to taste
*optional: 1-2 TBS of Flax Seed Meal
When preparing chicken, try this:
Using a brush, glaze the chicken with olive oil and the blend below
Fresh finely chopped basil
A few turns of cracked pepper
Pinch of red pepper
Aged Parmesan Cheese
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Fat Loss Facts
This week I have been listening to some presentations from some of the top fitness professionals in the industry.
One comment was made that stuck in my head and has been floating around ever since regarding fat loss.
Alwyn Cosgrove said that fat loss is simple...but it isn't easy.
It's one of those moments when the light bulb goes off. We know the physiology behind fat loss and how to get there the fastest, it's pretty cut and dry.
Although it is simple, it requires a lot of effort and directed attention. A "con" for the general public, if you will.
I know I can get anyone into the best shape they desire as fast as possible, but it's whether or not they want to commit to the efforts.
Do your actions match your goals? Everything you eat, every time you exercise is an opportunity to improve yourself.
So make the most of it...
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
One comment was made that stuck in my head and has been floating around ever since regarding fat loss.
Alwyn Cosgrove said that fat loss is simple...but it isn't easy.
It's one of those moments when the light bulb goes off. We know the physiology behind fat loss and how to get there the fastest, it's pretty cut and dry.
Although it is simple, it requires a lot of effort and directed attention. A "con" for the general public, if you will.
I know I can get anyone into the best shape they desire as fast as possible, but it's whether or not they want to commit to the efforts.
Do your actions match your goals? Everything you eat, every time you exercise is an opportunity to improve yourself.
So make the most of it...
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
23/1 Rule
You spend roughly 23 hours per day outside of the weight room and maybe one hour inside.
We can do all the corrective training in the world during our 1 hour session, but if you don't change your habits outside of the gym then the efforts can be very fruitless.
In my best cases, I'll see clients for 3 hours a week, thats 165 hours per week they have to mess their posture up versus the 3 hours I spend with them attempting to fix it.
If you have a forward head posture, and 90-95% of people do to some degree, find lifestyle habits that will complement your efforts in the gym.
-take periodic breaks when sitting; roughly get up to walk around every 15-20 minutes
-sit tall, and put the monitor at a position where you don't have to look down at it
-a stand up desk :)
-stretch your pecs, lats, levator scapula on a regular basis
It takes little time and can make a huge difference in your life, beyond just looking normal
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
We can do all the corrective training in the world during our 1 hour session, but if you don't change your habits outside of the gym then the efforts can be very fruitless.
In my best cases, I'll see clients for 3 hours a week, thats 165 hours per week they have to mess their posture up versus the 3 hours I spend with them attempting to fix it.
If you have a forward head posture, and 90-95% of people do to some degree, find lifestyle habits that will complement your efforts in the gym.
-take periodic breaks when sitting; roughly get up to walk around every 15-20 minutes
-sit tall, and put the monitor at a position where you don't have to look down at it
-a stand up desk :)
-stretch your pecs, lats, levator scapula on a regular basis
It takes little time and can make a huge difference in your life, beyond just looking normal
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Monday, March 24, 2008
Q & A Session
Q: How do I gain muscle?

A: It varies greatly on the individual, and such a simple question can be quite loaded. There will always be the guy who seems to get "jacked" in spite of anything he does or eats. On the flip side, you'll see guys who seem to be at odds no matter how much they eat or lift.
What I can tell you is that you need quality nutrition throughout the day to promote muscle growth (assuming your training is on track). Your body taps into amino acid pools when it needs them, not when you eat. If you don't have AA readily available then you're body will eat muscle. So make sure you have periodic feedings with lean protein as a staple of your meals.
Next, be sure to include high quality fats and carbohydrates. For those on the go, cashews, almonds and various other nuts provide a great amount of calories without really killing your appetite the rest of the day. You can "sneak" fat calories into many dishes without noticing too much difference in volume of food consumption. Substitute whole eggs for egg whites, add olive oil to chicken dishes or salads, and use high calorie snacks such as nuts (or trail mix depending on how much muscle you need).
One of the basic rules is more weight to bar and more food to the plate, stick with this and you'll have much more muscle mass in the long run.
More to come on this later this week...
Yours in health,
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com

A: It varies greatly on the individual, and such a simple question can be quite loaded. There will always be the guy who seems to get "jacked" in spite of anything he does or eats. On the flip side, you'll see guys who seem to be at odds no matter how much they eat or lift.
What I can tell you is that you need quality nutrition throughout the day to promote muscle growth (assuming your training is on track). Your body taps into amino acid pools when it needs them, not when you eat. If you don't have AA readily available then you're body will eat muscle. So make sure you have periodic feedings with lean protein as a staple of your meals.
Next, be sure to include high quality fats and carbohydrates. For those on the go, cashews, almonds and various other nuts provide a great amount of calories without really killing your appetite the rest of the day. You can "sneak" fat calories into many dishes without noticing too much difference in volume of food consumption. Substitute whole eggs for egg whites, add olive oil to chicken dishes or salads, and use high calorie snacks such as nuts (or trail mix depending on how much muscle you need).
One of the basic rules is more weight to bar and more food to the plate, stick with this and you'll have much more muscle mass in the long run.
More to come on this later this week...
Yours in health,
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
muscle mass,
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Patrick Peformance in the media
Andrea made a nice appearance on T-nation in this picture. Testosterone Nation/Muscle with Attitude (Female oriented sister site) is one of the best fitness oriented sites on the internet!!!
We're so proud of her!
She's on page 11 of "tropicalshoes"
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
We're so proud of her!
She's on page 11 of "tropicalshoes"
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
MUST SEE pictures from the show...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Woo Hoo
Just got back from the show, yes it's a late 2:00 a.m. after the standard post-contest binge and tan wash-off! Andrea did amazing coming in 4th place in an extremely tough figure division!
We're talking 250+ competitors with no cross-overs. If you aren't familiar people often compete in a Novice division and then "cross-over" to the Open Division, which is the real deal.
In only her second show Andrea braved the open girls at one of the most competitive regional shows in the NATION...this show is nearly the size of some of the national level shows!
Somehow I get to eat a lot of junk food out of it too :)
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
We're talking 250+ competitors with no cross-overs. If you aren't familiar people often compete in a Novice division and then "cross-over" to the Open Division, which is the real deal.
In only her second show Andrea braved the open girls at one of the most competitive regional shows in the NATION...this show is nearly the size of some of the national level shows!
Somehow I get to eat a lot of junk food out of it too :)
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Pre-contest Pump Up
Hello everyone, hope everything is going great and you're all following your diets and workouts!
We've got some exciting news to share... well, first of all I've been a role player all week making sure my girlfriend can go on auto-pilot into her second figure show!
She looks AMAZING and we think she's going to do awesome!
In other news, we've got two girls who just started on their contest prep and you wouldn't believe the transformation one of them has made in just 2 short weeks! Unbelievable...
Pretty soon we hope to have one bodybuilder getting prepped for his first show (looking in August or September).
Stay tuned as we'll have some pics from before and after the show. Oh yea, it's the Northern Kentucky Bodybuilding Championships by the way.
Break a leg.
Yours in health,
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
We've got some exciting news to share... well, first of all I've been a role player all week making sure my girlfriend can go on auto-pilot into her second figure show!
She looks AMAZING and we think she's going to do awesome!
In other news, we've got two girls who just started on their contest prep and you wouldn't believe the transformation one of them has made in just 2 short weeks! Unbelievable...
Pretty soon we hope to have one bodybuilder getting prepped for his first show (looking in August or September).
Stay tuned as we'll have some pics from before and after the show. Oh yea, it's the Northern Kentucky Bodybuilding Championships by the way.
Break a leg.
Yours in health,
Ryan Patrick
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Andrea Behling
e: andrea.behling@yahoo.com
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Stand UP
I've recently switched to a stand up desk. That's right! No more sitting for this guy. I believe this is going to be a more common phenomenon.
When you sit all day--and most do sit for the typical 9-to-5'er--you eventually slouch, bent over at your desk working hard.
This hunchback posture can eventually get stuck in place. No, it's not the same as your mom always saying if you cross your eyes they'll stay that way.
Soft tissue actually "creeps" as you sit in a fixed position for an extended period of time. Over time you can develop a kyphotic curve in your spine resembling quasimoto:

A stand up desk gives you the freedom to stay in a upright posture. Personally, this has drastically improved my attention and efficiency when I work on projects.
I'm still new to this, but I can say the only drawback is getting used to the standing duration--think arriving late to Christmas Eve Mass and standing in the back.
Well, I suppose it looks like I'm standing at a urinal too when people walk into my room too. This past week I have noticed the standing became less of a problem. Right now I've got the white trash stand up desk--a normal desk on propped up on blocks. Soon I may purchase a real one.
Do your posture a favor and remember whatever you do in the gym for an hour, you have 23 hours to mess it up. Make those 23 help you instead of limit you.
Do work.
When you sit all day--and most do sit for the typical 9-to-5'er--you eventually slouch, bent over at your desk working hard.
This hunchback posture can eventually get stuck in place. No, it's not the same as your mom always saying if you cross your eyes they'll stay that way.
Soft tissue actually "creeps" as you sit in a fixed position for an extended period of time. Over time you can develop a kyphotic curve in your spine resembling quasimoto:

A stand up desk gives you the freedom to stay in a upright posture. Personally, this has drastically improved my attention and efficiency when I work on projects.
I'm still new to this, but I can say the only drawback is getting used to the standing duration--think arriving late to Christmas Eve Mass and standing in the back.
Well, I suppose it looks like I'm standing at a urinal too when people walk into my room too. This past week I have noticed the standing became less of a problem. Right now I've got the white trash stand up desk--a normal desk on propped up on blocks. Soon I may purchase a real one.
Do your posture a favor and remember whatever you do in the gym for an hour, you have 23 hours to mess it up. Make those 23 help you instead of limit you.

If this doesn't make you get off your ass, nothing will!
Off to workout...
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Macgyver Workouts...On the GO!
Q: What do I do when I'm on the road and don't have access to a gym?
A: Do what Macgyver would...get creative and figure something out. No, you don't need a shoelace, straw, and bar coaster to solve this puzzle. There are all sorts of bodyweight variations that you can do with even the smallest amount of space.
-Bodyweight Squats
-Planks, Side Planks
-Step ups on a chair
-Lunges in all directions

Macgyver says, "Of course I do bodyweight squats."
...and that's just the beginning, way more progressions follow. So Macgyver your workout when you're on the go and you can still keep up with your fat loss. IF you're more advanced you can have nice feeder workouts that will stimulate your metabolism if you're trying to gain some muscle--how many can do a one handed push-up, or multiple sets of high rep chin-ups?
Be creative, there are endless resources out there that you can use to find bodyweight exercises that fit your needs when you're on the go.
A: Do what Macgyver would...get creative and figure something out. No, you don't need a shoelace, straw, and bar coaster to solve this puzzle. There are all sorts of bodyweight variations that you can do with even the smallest amount of space.
-Bodyweight Squats
-Planks, Side Planks
-Step ups on a chair
-Lunges in all directions

Macgyver says, "Of course I do bodyweight squats."
...and that's just the beginning, way more progressions follow. So Macgyver your workout when you're on the go and you can still keep up with your fat loss. IF you're more advanced you can have nice feeder workouts that will stimulate your metabolism if you're trying to gain some muscle--how many can do a one handed push-up, or multiple sets of high rep chin-ups?
Be creative, there are endless resources out there that you can use to find bodyweight exercises that fit your needs when you're on the go.
Fat Loss Plateuas
1. Calorie deficit is king when it comes to fat loss, but it is absolutely not the ONLY variable that should be manipulated. At some point cutting calories is futile.
2. Fat loss isn't a mystery. The Hawaii chair, thigh-master, (insert random fad device) didn't last because they didn't produce real results. Quality programming intentionally implemented is how it should be approached.
3. Calorie deficits--not always dieting. You can increase your energy expenditure (more exercise)
4. If you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a calorie deficit anymore.
5. Exercise + Proper Nutrition = Results; the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Don't leave home without either one.
2. Fat loss isn't a mystery. The Hawaii chair, thigh-master, (insert random fad device) didn't last because they didn't produce real results. Quality programming intentionally implemented is how it should be approached.
3. Calorie deficits--not always dieting. You can increase your energy expenditure (more exercise)
4. If you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a calorie deficit anymore.
5. Exercise + Proper Nutrition = Results; the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Don't leave home without either one.
Needs vs. Wants
Many people want certain results from their training--arms like Cameron Diaz, for example--but in many cases what they need is postural makeover or improved movement patterns. Now all that sounds boring compared to Cameron's arms, even to a nerd like me!

Coaching comes into play because people cannot always "self-assess" very objectively. Even I have a difficult time observing what I need and therefore have other qualified coaches oversee my programs and diet to make sure it aligns with what I need. There can be harmony between your needs and wants in a single program, and an educated coach can provide that perfect blend. Let's say you want fat-loss; that goal can easily be achieved while "patching" up a few other problems you may have. Find a coach who has substantial knowledge and can help ensure you make continuous progress.
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com

Coaching comes into play because people cannot always "self-assess" very objectively. Even I have a difficult time observing what I need and therefore have other qualified coaches oversee my programs and diet to make sure it aligns with what I need. There can be harmony between your needs and wants in a single program, and an educated coach can provide that perfect blend. Let's say you want fat-loss; that goal can easily be achieved while "patching" up a few other problems you may have. Find a coach who has substantial knowledge and can help ensure you make continuous progress.
e: ryan.patrick@yahoo.com
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A Testimonial
Ryan Patrick is a powerhouse of fitness and health.
In the time Ryan has been my trainer, I have gained incredible muscle tone and strength. With his guidance, I improved my nutrition and eating habits, and increased my self-confidence ten fold!
When I started working out with Ryan, my fitness level was embarrassing. I was intimated to be in the gym, but he assured me on day one that I would get fit. He was right. Not only would I get fit, I would be in the best shape of my life in just months!
Now, I’m stronger than I have ever been and friends are noticing. My chest is finally bigger than my waist and my arms and legs are getting bigger and leaner each week! In just a few more weeks, I anticipate seeing a six pack where my beer depository used to be!!
My commitment to getting fit brought me to the gym, but Ryan kept me there. He has been a coach, an accountability partner, a nutritionist, a therapist, and most importantly an inspiration. Ryan is passionate about fitness and training, and this passion is contagious.
If you are considering hiring a trainer, you must hire mine. My confidence is at an all time high and the mental and physical improvements keep coming!
Ryan is also a tireless coach. He will provide you with mountains of feedback, encouragement, and instruction.
I consider him my personal partner in good health, and could not be more proud to recommend him to you!
-Troy Johnson
And wouldn't you love to have a testimonial like that? To be someone who has changed their look and their self-confidence about themselves? You can be...Memorial day is 12 weeks away: enough time to make significant changes and unveil your new body to the world on the un-offical start of summer. Subscribe to our newsletter and tell your friends and family to subscribe!
In the time Ryan has been my trainer, I have gained incredible muscle tone and strength. With his guidance, I improved my nutrition and eating habits, and increased my self-confidence ten fold!
When I started working out with Ryan, my fitness level was embarrassing. I was intimated to be in the gym, but he assured me on day one that I would get fit. He was right. Not only would I get fit, I would be in the best shape of my life in just months!
Now, I’m stronger than I have ever been and friends are noticing. My chest is finally bigger than my waist and my arms and legs are getting bigger and leaner each week! In just a few more weeks, I anticipate seeing a six pack where my beer depository used to be!!
My commitment to getting fit brought me to the gym, but Ryan kept me there. He has been a coach, an accountability partner, a nutritionist, a therapist, and most importantly an inspiration. Ryan is passionate about fitness and training, and this passion is contagious.
If you are considering hiring a trainer, you must hire mine. My confidence is at an all time high and the mental and physical improvements keep coming!
Ryan is also a tireless coach. He will provide you with mountains of feedback, encouragement, and instruction.
I consider him my personal partner in good health, and could not be more proud to recommend him to you!
-Troy Johnson
And wouldn't you love to have a testimonial like that? To be someone who has changed their look and their self-confidence about themselves? You can be...Memorial day is 12 weeks away: enough time to make significant changes and unveil your new body to the world on the un-offical start of summer. Subscribe to our newsletter and tell your friends and family to subscribe!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Healthy Eating... Get Creative!
You have been following the latest diet and exercise program featured in your favorite magazine in hopes of losing those last 10 pounds before spring break or the start of the summer. What types of problems have held you back from achieving the body you have always wanted? Common excuses include not having time to get to the gym, not being able to prepare and plan your meals, or if you do take the initiative to pack your lunch and snacks for the day you blow it at night when the cravings really set it!
Over eating at night is a huge problem! This is the time when you want to relax, eat, and enjoy the company of others. Countless bags of greasy chips and gallons of ice cream are being consumed by out of control Americans. At night the temptations creep on and most surrender to their appetite. So what can you do to stay true to your commitment of eating clean? Get creative! Not all healthy food is boring and bland. First of all the only way a diet will be successful is if you are consistent. So in order to be consistent get innovative with your meal plan. Instead of polishing off a bag of Doritos treat yourself to cottage cheese and peaches, non-fat yogurt, or sugar-free jello with cool whip. Make it even more interesting, try my featured recipe. It's easy, delicious and won't add size to your waistline!
Low-Cal Cinnamon Apple Cups
makes 12 servings
-nonstick cooking spray
-16 oz cottage cheese
-1 c liquid egg whites
-2 T cinnamon
-2 medium apples, cored and chopped
1. Spray a 12-cup muffin pan with cooking spray and preheat oven to 325
2. In a large bowl, stir together cottage cheese, egg whites, cinnamon and chopped apples until blended. Fill cups up to the top with cottage cheese mixture. Bake in preheated oven for 35-40 min or until done.
3. Before serving, let cool to firm. Use butter knife to go around the edges to lift out the apple cups and serve.
Nutrients Per Serving:
Calories: 63
Total Fat: 2g
Total Carbohydrates: 6g
Fiber: 1g
Protein: 7g
Next time your stomach starts rumbling and junk food is sounding really good, stay true to your diet goals and have fun with a new healthy recipe!
Over eating at night is a huge problem! This is the time when you want to relax, eat, and enjoy the company of others. Countless bags of greasy chips and gallons of ice cream are being consumed by out of control Americans. At night the temptations creep on and most surrender to their appetite. So what can you do to stay true to your commitment of eating clean? Get creative! Not all healthy food is boring and bland. First of all the only way a diet will be successful is if you are consistent. So in order to be consistent get innovative with your meal plan. Instead of polishing off a bag of Doritos treat yourself to cottage cheese and peaches, non-fat yogurt, or sugar-free jello with cool whip. Make it even more interesting, try my featured recipe. It's easy, delicious and won't add size to your waistline!
Low-Cal Cinnamon Apple Cups
makes 12 servings
-nonstick cooking spray
-16 oz cottage cheese
-1 c liquid egg whites
-2 T cinnamon
-2 medium apples, cored and chopped
1. Spray a 12-cup muffin pan with cooking spray and preheat oven to 325
2. In a large bowl, stir together cottage cheese, egg whites, cinnamon and chopped apples until blended. Fill cups up to the top with cottage cheese mixture. Bake in preheated oven for 35-40 min or until done.
3. Before serving, let cool to firm. Use butter knife to go around the edges to lift out the apple cups and serve.
Nutrients Per Serving:
Calories: 63
Total Fat: 2g
Total Carbohydrates: 6g
Fiber: 1g
Protein: 7g
Next time your stomach starts rumbling and junk food is sounding really good, stay true to your diet goals and have fun with a new healthy recipe!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
My Random Thoughts
The media pushes way too much misinformation in the front of already confused people. The Internet is partly responsible for the misinformation perpetuating down the chain. Not to mention people seem to hold on to theories and so called "facts" that aren't even true. The world of exercise science follows suit too, but people tend to cling to one word answers than actually understand something that's true. What people need to focus on is hard work and the big picture. Less focus on the minutia such as the glycemic index of a carrot, because I don't know about you, but too many times carrots have been the real "deal-breaker" when I've tried to reach my goals. Instead of nit-picking most people just need a general overhaul of their diets and the most important thing: actually exercising regularly! Most people could easily pass a test asking them what foods are "healthy", but what they choose to eat is another story.
What is really holding you back from your goals? If you eat "good" all day and then eat sweets at night, find a way to circumvent the problem. I think it's healthy to have your sinful foods, but in the right context...not an everyday thing. If you don't exercise...start. Start with what you can handle and learn to improve. Hire a fitness professional who can accelerate your results. Many people want to "start out with a book" or think it over, but thinking gets you nowhere and most people really don't "think" about it at all. They have made the decision already! Some people excel doing a complete overhaul, and some need to just improve on 1 thing everyday. Sit back, look at the big picture and find out what can really help you get the results you want.
Don't believe everything you read anyway, we have more health and fitness information knowledge available today than ever before, and more of it can be accessed by you than ever before...but we are continually gaining weight as a nation.
Yours in Health,
Don't believe everything you read anyway, we have more health and fitness information knowledge available today than ever before, and more of it can be accessed by you than ever before...but we are continually gaining weight as a nation.
Yours in Health,
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Is Stretching Bad?
Stretching has gotten a bad rep lately. It causes you to be weaker and lift less in the gym, and it's no good! Based on current research in the Journal of Strength and Condition I would agree with some of that. First things first, stretching is something a lot of people need to do especially considering a majority of us sit all day. Tight hip flexors, hamstrings, and weak/inhibited glutes are major contributors to low back pain--something a whopping 80% of Americans get at some point in their life!
Let's examine further, if you are an athlete or competitive lifter then chances are a static stretch before competition isn't the best method to enhance your performance. For the average gym rat, I don't think it has much relevance as long as a proper warm-up is utilized. Personally, when I stretch more I feel better overall...just a general sense of well-being. That for me is enough to encourage everyone to keep stretching. Does this research claim stretching is bad? Absolutely not, but it does highlight the fact that for maximum performance it is not beneficial. Too often the popular press misinterprets the research.
Stay tuned for more reviews and send in your questions to ryan@patrickperformancetraining.com
Yours in health,
Ryan Patrick
Let's examine further, if you are an athlete or competitive lifter then chances are a static stretch before competition isn't the best method to enhance your performance. For the average gym rat, I don't think it has much relevance as long as a proper warm-up is utilized. Personally, when I stretch more I feel better overall...just a general sense of well-being. That for me is enough to encourage everyone to keep stretching. Does this research claim stretching is bad? Absolutely not, but it does highlight the fact that for maximum performance it is not beneficial. Too often the popular press misinterprets the research.
Stay tuned for more reviews and send in your questions to ryan@patrickperformancetraining.com
Yours in health,
Ryan Patrick

Monday, January 28, 2008
Mail Bag
“When selecting a source of protein post-workout, I am wondering if a liquid protein is digested faster and utilized by the body more efficiently than protein from food?”
When comparing protein from solid food and liquid protein such as whey protein it is important to understand how protein is digested in the body. Protein is made up of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. If you consume protein the digestion of the protein actually begins in the stomach primarily due to hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin. The enzymes in the stomach can be influenced by specific factors such as the temperature of the food and the acidity of the food and stomach. The hydrochloric acid is in charge of breaking the peptide bonds, which creates smaller chains of amino acids. Further digestion of the protein into single amino acids takes place in the upper portion of the small intestine due to the pancreatic protein enzymes. At this point the amino acids can now be absorbed into the blood stream where they are transported to the liver and then sent out to the muscles. The process of protein digestion is complex and can vary depending on the source of protein.
In order to compare a whey protein from a variety of food proteins it is necessary to identify what whey protein is and the different variations available. Milk protein has two proteins, casein and whey protein, whey is more soluble and has a higher quality rating. Whey protein is actually a co-product of the cheese making process. The most common variations of whey include:
• Whey protein isolate: most pure and concentrated form, it contains 90% or more of protein with little fat and lactose, can be more expensive
• Whey protein concentrate: has anywhere between 29% and 89% protein depending on product, contains more fat and lactose
• Hydrolyzed protein: the amino acid chains are broken down into small segments called “peptides”
When selecting a specific type of protein it is essential to evaluate specific components. Consider the following:
• if it contains all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein
• does it contain branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, and isoleucine)
• the biological value of the protein.
Why should you be concerned with these characteristics? Essential amino acids are amino acids that the body cannot make. Branched-chain amino acids are a must for any athlete, they are necessary for muscle recovery and protein synthesis. The biological value of the protein tells you the availability and digestibility of the protein.
Whey protein is very soluble which makes it digested and absorbed faster. Also on a gram-to-gram basis whey protein isolate delivers more essential amino acids to the body but without the fat or cholesterol.
So should you consume a whey protein or a food protein? It really is up to the athlete. Whey protein is a complete protein and has the highest biological value with a score of 100 when compared to whole egg protein (88-100), casein (80), soy protein concentrate (74), and beef protein (80). For most people time and money is always a concern. Whey protein is very convenient, but can sometimes be expensive depending on the brand. If you do want to try whey protein choose a product that has whey protein isolate as the first ingredient, this will ensure that you are getting the most pure source and best quality. Consuming a food protein post-workout could save you some money, and choosing a food over a supplement is always recommended. But if you are interested in using a whey protein powder it is a great source of protein and would be a highly effective addition to your well-balanced diet.
By: Andrea Behling
When comparing protein from solid food and liquid protein such as whey protein it is important to understand how protein is digested in the body. Protein is made up of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. If you consume protein the digestion of the protein actually begins in the stomach primarily due to hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin. The enzymes in the stomach can be influenced by specific factors such as the temperature of the food and the acidity of the food and stomach. The hydrochloric acid is in charge of breaking the peptide bonds, which creates smaller chains of amino acids. Further digestion of the protein into single amino acids takes place in the upper portion of the small intestine due to the pancreatic protein enzymes. At this point the amino acids can now be absorbed into the blood stream where they are transported to the liver and then sent out to the muscles. The process of protein digestion is complex and can vary depending on the source of protein.
In order to compare a whey protein from a variety of food proteins it is necessary to identify what whey protein is and the different variations available. Milk protein has two proteins, casein and whey protein, whey is more soluble and has a higher quality rating. Whey protein is actually a co-product of the cheese making process. The most common variations of whey include:
• Whey protein isolate: most pure and concentrated form, it contains 90% or more of protein with little fat and lactose, can be more expensive
• Whey protein concentrate: has anywhere between 29% and 89% protein depending on product, contains more fat and lactose
• Hydrolyzed protein: the amino acid chains are broken down into small segments called “peptides”
When selecting a specific type of protein it is essential to evaluate specific components. Consider the following:
• if it contains all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein
• does it contain branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, and isoleucine)
• the biological value of the protein.
Why should you be concerned with these characteristics? Essential amino acids are amino acids that the body cannot make. Branched-chain amino acids are a must for any athlete, they are necessary for muscle recovery and protein synthesis. The biological value of the protein tells you the availability and digestibility of the protein.
Whey protein is very soluble which makes it digested and absorbed faster. Also on a gram-to-gram basis whey protein isolate delivers more essential amino acids to the body but without the fat or cholesterol.
So should you consume a whey protein or a food protein? It really is up to the athlete. Whey protein is a complete protein and has the highest biological value with a score of 100 when compared to whole egg protein (88-100), casein (80), soy protein concentrate (74), and beef protein (80). For most people time and money is always a concern. Whey protein is very convenient, but can sometimes be expensive depending on the brand. If you do want to try whey protein choose a product that has whey protein isolate as the first ingredient, this will ensure that you are getting the most pure source and best quality. Consuming a food protein post-workout could save you some money, and choosing a food over a supplement is always recommended. But if you are interested in using a whey protein powder it is a great source of protein and would be a highly effective addition to your well-balanced diet.
By: Andrea Behling

Monday, January 21, 2008
"Starting a training program at my age (54) was a little intimidating because I was not in great shape and had never lifted weights in my life (and it shows!). Ryan immediately put me at ease. What was particularly interesting was at our first meeting, I told him what I wanted to accomplish (increased upper body strength and improved cardiovascular endurance) and what I didn't need to work on (e.g., leg strength). He listened patiently and then told me what his plan for me was - and how it contradicted my plan in some areas. He did it in a way that convinced me it was in my best interest and in a tone that was not insulting or disrespectful. In retrospect, I can see now that his plan was absolutely correct. I have noticed that my strength has increased, I have improved joint flexibility, especially in my shoulders, and I no longer experience the lower back pain I used to feel almost daily. I have a better sense of well-being since I started working with Ryan. He is very encouraging and never makes me feel inferior to the well-built physical specimens who regularly use the exercise facility"
Mike Jay, Ph.D
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Mike Jay, Ph.D
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Sunday, January 20, 2008
What is in-home personal training?
In-home training is a service provided where the client is trained at his or her home. The appointment is set between the trainer and client; from there the trainer will arrive at the client's home and begin the training session there. This eliminates the traveling for the client as well as the expense of a gym membership.
What equipment is needed?
None! The trainer is responsible for bringing all equipment that is needed for the workout. The only thing the client needs is ample space to workout. If there is equipment available, that may be included into the programming but is not required.
What can I expect?
Expect to get an initial assessment and program that is specific to your needs and goals. From there the fun begins as we both work toward your goals, tweaking everything as we go along to ensure fast results.
Do I need to be in shape already?
Not necessarily, though having a background exercising doesn't hurt. Clients are often worried about being too out of shape, but it's extremely common so there shouldn't be any fear about it!
Who is in-home personal training right for?
Many people feel lost about deciding if this is right for them. The primary goals people can achieve are fat loss, general fitness, and those looking to stay healthy and injury free. If you are frustrated with low back pain, in-home training can help you too! Those seeking to gain significant amounts of muscle or improve athletic performance are not going to see the necessary benefits from in-home training.
In-home training is a service provided where the client is trained at his or her home. The appointment is set between the trainer and client; from there the trainer will arrive at the client's home and begin the training session there. This eliminates the traveling for the client as well as the expense of a gym membership.
What equipment is needed?
None! The trainer is responsible for bringing all equipment that is needed for the workout. The only thing the client needs is ample space to workout. If there is equipment available, that may be included into the programming but is not required.
What can I expect?
Expect to get an initial assessment and program that is specific to your needs and goals. From there the fun begins as we both work toward your goals, tweaking everything as we go along to ensure fast results.
Do I need to be in shape already?
Not necessarily, though having a background exercising doesn't hurt. Clients are often worried about being too out of shape, but it's extremely common so there shouldn't be any fear about it!
Who is in-home personal training right for?
Many people feel lost about deciding if this is right for them. The primary goals people can achieve are fat loss, general fitness, and those looking to stay healthy and injury free. If you are frustrated with low back pain, in-home training can help you too! Those seeking to gain significant amounts of muscle or improve athletic performance are not going to see the necessary benefits from in-home training.
A Bit About Me
Here's a little bit of information about me!
Personal Training
I've worked with a variety of people ranging from elderly women to law enforcement and lots of people in between! A new project for 2008 involves taking clients with a Body Mass Index of 30 or higher and helping them lose weight throughout the semester. It should prove to be as rewarding as it is challenging.
4 years experience, most recently at the 2007 KY State Bodybuilding Championships in Lexington. I placed 3rd in the Novice Middleweights and Open Middleweights.

University of Kentucky Strongest Man on Campus (ESPN Pilot), 2007. This was a competition UK had the privilege to hold as a pilot for a soon-to-be ESPN series, and I was fortunate enough to qualify and finish in 1st Place!
Personal Training
I've worked with a variety of people ranging from elderly women to law enforcement and lots of people in between! A new project for 2008 involves taking clients with a Body Mass Index of 30 or higher and helping them lose weight throughout the semester. It should prove to be as rewarding as it is challenging.
4 years experience, most recently at the 2007 KY State Bodybuilding Championships in Lexington. I placed 3rd in the Novice Middleweights and Open Middleweights.

University of Kentucky Strongest Man on Campus (ESPN Pilot), 2007. This was a competition UK had the privilege to hold as a pilot for a soon-to-be ESPN series, and I was fortunate enough to qualify and finish in 1st Place!

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